Roots Health Coaching

Your Journey to Authentic Wellness, Begins Here.


I help women break free of obsessive overeating, crash dieting and sugar addiction so they can heal their gut and finally feel calm, confident and in control of their food, emotions and life!

Lee McKenna

See how it works

My Journey of Overcoming Obstacles and Discovering Connection

Early Signs of Disordered Eating and Sensitivity

My personal journey with disordered eating and sugar addiction began in my early childhood and continued to shape my life throughout my teenage years. Even at a young age, I struggled with sleep issues, gut problems, and an overwhelming sensitivity. As I entered my teenage years, weight became another challenge that I had to face.

Battling Weight, Binge Eating, and Emotional Turmoil

During my teenage years, I experienced a painful cycle of binge eating and crash diets, resulting in extreme weight fluctuations and an accompanying cycle of shame, guilt, and self-loathing. I constantly oscillated between feeling out of control and imposing strict restrictions on myself, seeking a semblance of self-worth through weight loss.

Menopause and Diagnosis

Then, at the age of 45, I found myself in the midst of menopause. My body was going through significant changes, and I experienced uncontrollable rage, hot flashes, and an overwhelming sense of confusion when I looked at myself in the mirror. Three years later, on the verge of a Thyroid Storm, I received a diagnosis of Graves Disease. That was the turning point for me—I knew that I had to make a change.

Seeking Understanding: A Turning Point

Through personal struggles with disordered eating and weight fluctuations, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, delving into the connection between gut health, hormonal changes, and sugar addiction. I learned that true healing involves addressing root causes, nourishing both body and mind, and breaking free from destructive cycles. This process led me to understand the profound impact of gut health on overall well-being and the importance of wholesome practices.

Becoming a Health Coach

Motivated by personal experiences, I became a knowledgeable health coach with empathy and compassion, dedicated to guiding women in transforming their relationship with food, improving gut health, and breaking free from obsessive eating and crash dieting.

Join Me on the Transformative Journey

If you resonate with my story, I invite you to join me on this transformative journey. Together, we can conquer the challenges, nourish our bodies, and cultivate a positive relationship with food, ultimately achieving lasting well-being and self-acceptance.

Qualifications and Credentials in

Health Coaching

  • Certified International Health Coach (CIHC), issued by The International Association for Health Coaches (IAHC)

  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (INHC), Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • Gut Health Course, Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • Graduate, Awakened Healers Program, The Health Professional Academy

  • B Ed, University of Victoria

Healing services

Transform & Empower

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Starter Kit

Your Starter Kit includes

A Personalized Quiz to Find What's Right for You

Simple Daily Steps to Keep You on the Right Path

Track Your Habits for 7 Days and Find Your Next Direction

Lee McKenna

If you don’t make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness

“Joyce Sunada”

Free online training

Write your own life story

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Personalized services

Take your power back

1-1 coaching

For the deepest dive

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Attend live events

Greatest inspiration

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Consulting & tips

Individual & corporate

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What do they say

five star review
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Lee has been committed to sharing her health and wellness information to our staff by providing us with weekly tips via emails. She has given us the opportunity to try several healthy recipes that are surprisingly tasty, and we had lunch and learns on health topics that we as a staff deemed most important to us. Lee engaged us in several challenges that had us examine our health habits such as the amount of exercise we get in a week, how much water we drink and whether we are eating properly. This is in addition to positive reminders to be good to ourselves. I am glad to have had the chance to learn from Lee as she has made me think about my health and wellness from a very non-judgmental point of view, allowing me to just be me, without guilt.
five star review
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Lee has been so encouraging. She has listened to my story and not once had judged me. I felt safe telling her my weakness when it dealt with my eating struggles. By meeting with Lee, I have become more aware about what I put in my body. I’ve also begun to move more. I feel like a have a real advocate who truly understands what it means to walk this earth in a bigger body. There has never been any judgement or frustration when I did not meet a goal just compassion and understanding. Like other dieting/life coaches she does not have a hidden agenda like most of the health/fitness industries. Lee is in it with you for the long haul. I am so blessed to have her in my life. I recommend Lee as a health coach for anyone who has had a traumatic dieting history. Someone who has yo-yo’d and has an addiction to carbs and sugar.
five star review
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When I started working with Lee, my goal was to reach optimum health and self-love, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Lee was able to help tremendously by opening me up to the possibilities of achieving these goals. With a focus on improving gut health, I started noticing changes in the first week of receiving her very knowledgeable help. I have struggled with mental health challenges for most of my life but on Lee’s program I felt physically and mentally better and truly believe it really helped to heal my mind. Lee is very kind and sincerely cares about her clients. She is a true example of what she teaches, and it shows in her own good health. I feel excited about moving forward into all aspects of healthy living. I highly recommend Lee’s program to anyone. Her contribution will definitely have a ripple effect and benefit the lives of so many people! I am truly grateful.
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